Clinics & Services
Chronic disease
Our Practice runs clinics for the management of chronic (long term) illness and diseases.
The month of your birthday you will be invited to make an appointment for a review of your condition.
You will be asked to make an appointment with our CTAC Nurse for blood tests and basic health checks and then a follow up appointment with our Practice Nurse, who will review your condition, medication and offer support and advice on management and lifestyle.
If you are housebound, we can arrange for one of the District Nursing Team to visit you at home to complete these checks.
Annual review invitations are sent by SMS text, email or letter the month before your birthday.
Minor Surgery
The Practice offers a range of simple minor surgery procedures including:
Cryotherapy for warts, verrucae and some skin lesions.
Joint injections.
Some skin lesions can be excised under local anaesthetic, to discuss this please make an appointment for any of our GPs.
You can arrange an appointment for any of these procedure by contacting our administration team on 01292 267432.
NHS Travel Vaccinations
Please use the link below for travel health and vaccination information.
Fit For
Further information regarding this service can be found at
NHS Ayrshire & Arran Travel Health Service
Podiatry Self referral Service
Please use the link below for information on the Podiatry Service
Every month