Community Team Clinics

Midwifery Services -  For first bookings Tel: 01292 285893

Health Visitors - Tel: 01292 885556

As well as providing support and advice to parents of our under 5s, our Health Visitor carries out developmental assessments. The Health Visitor is usually available for advice and can be contacted through their office on; normally the answer phone is on but if you leave a message they will return your call as soon as possible.

Child health checks

Your first appointment will be with a GP at the Practice when your baby is around 6 weeks old. You will be sent information about this and an appointment will be booked for you and your baby here at the Practice.

All subsequent appointments will be sent out by the Health Board for your childs health checks.

You will be offered routine health reviews for your child, with the health visitor, at 6-8 weeks, 8-12 months and 2-2½ years old.

Child Immunisations

The Practice fully endorses the Childhood Immunisation Programme as recommended nationally and by the World Health Organisation for protection against diptheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis, pertussis and Haemophilus influenzae type B (HiB/MenC), measles, mumps and rubella. 

Our aim is to immunise all the children within our practice, starting at two months.

Appointments are sent out by the Health Board for the routine infant immunisations and your child will be recalled automatically for any subsequent immunisations.

Immunisations are given by the Immunisation Nurse here at the Practice in accordance with the NHS vaccine schedule. These clinics are held on alternate Thursday morning by appointment. 

Information on the vaccinations and the vaccination schedule and can be found at:

NHS inform.


Our dietician runs a clinic monthly in the surgery for all aspects of dietary advice. She will see patients at home when necessary.  All appointments are made by the dietician.

Community Psychiatric Nurses (CPNs)

Our community psychiatric nurses (CPNs) see our patients with a range of conditions from anxiety and phobias to severe mental illness. They provide support within the community to our patients and provide a valuable liaison with our hospital colleagues. We also have a dedicated CPN for the elderly who provides the same service but also deals with the problems more unique to our elderly population. Referrals are initially made after assessment by the doctors.

Hospice Nurse - Tel: 01292 269200

Our hospice nurse works with all members of our practice team and is responsible for the home care of patients referred to the Hospice. They provide help and support and are a valuable link between the hospice and the doctors in the practice in the care of our patients. Once referral has been made they can be contacted directly on 01292 269200.

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